Variety Testing Program

MPSG has been involved in testing of pulse and soybean varieties for nearly 30 years. Each year, the independent evaluation of soybean, dry bean, field pea, faba bean and new in 2023 lupin varieties is carried out at several locations across Manitoba. The goal of this program is to provide farmers with independent information on variety performance and agronomic characteristics to make informed variety selection decisions.

Soybean and dry bean trials are currently sponsored, administered and conducted by MPSG. Field pea and faba bean trials are conducted by the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET) and co-sponsored by MPSG, MCVET and Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development.

Data from the variety trials is published in the MPSG Pulse and Soybean Variety Guide, which is mailed to our farmer membership each year, and in Seed Manitoba.