Manitoba Survey and Molecular Quantification of Soybean Cyst Nematode

Crop Soybean
Start Date2017
End Date2019
Principal InvestigatorTenuta, Mario, University of Manitoba
MPSG Financial Support$243,225
Total Project Funding$243,225
ReportTenuta – SCN Survey – FINAL report

Research Objectives

  1. Survey soybean fields for SCN
  2. Publish results of this and the past two SCN surveys
  3. Develop accurate and quick molecular method for quantification of SCN in soil

Project Description

This project continued the proactive role of the Univerity of Manitoba and MPSG in knowing when SCN has arrived in the Province, outreach activities to inform growers about SCN and develop capacity within the province for future surveys and research to mitigate damage due to SCN after its arrival.

This research has confirmed for the first time the presence of the SCN in Manitoba. At this early stage of infestation, growers can start to manage the pest before it results in yield reductions.

More information on the communications of this project, and managing SCN is available here.